About Surya Hardcase

At Surya Hardcase, we are dedicated to providing high-quality hardcase solutions that meet our clients' unique needs. With our expertise in customization, we offer a wide range of hardcases including box options, flightcases, and more. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction differentiates us as a trusted provider of hardcase solutions.

The Surya Hardcase brand is trusted and known by many people.

We pride ourselves on our meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every hardcase is made to the highest quality standards.

Flexibility and Durability

Customized Solutions

Product Quality is Our Priority

Our hardcases are produced in Indonesia. With domestic component level. Tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, providing customized solutions for their storage and transportation needs.

Our hardcases are designed to be versatile and durable, able to withstand a variety of environments and protect your valuables.

Why Choose Us?

Supported by professional human resources to produce quality products.

Has experience in this field from 2004 - present.